Mack W. Crabtree


Mack has owned and operated state licensed Adult Family Homes and Community Based Residential Facilities since 1992. Mack is responsible for the business aspects of Crabtree Property Management. He does the accounting, payroll, and State compliance paperwork. He is also the clients' rights specialist for the business.


Jeffery E. Crabtree

Founder & owner

Jeff has owned and operated state licensed Adult Family Homes since 1994. Jeff is responsible for the day to day operations of Crabtree Property Management. Jeff communicates with case managers and employees to ensure we are properly serving our members. He also makes the decisions on whether a person is appropriate for our program.


Tiffany M. Sommerville

Operations Manager


Tiffany graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Madison with a Masters of Science in Rehabilitation Psychology. She has practical experience, as a job coach, case manager and CBRF administrator. Tiffany is responsible for human resources, day to day operations, plan reviews and managing/training staff, to name a few. Tiffany works with Mack and Jeff to ensure our members are effectively being served each day.